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Bobby "The Lightning" Bolt


Height: 5'3''
Weight: 135
Native: Region 1
Trained By: Trained by Kris Kavanaugh & "Sexbomb" Cholo (Leaders of the New School)

Trained: March 2005

Debut Match: August 2005

Finishers: Electrostatic Induction (Inverted GTS) and Surge (450 Splash)


1/2 of DevilShock

1/2 of DevilSlay


Former NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion for HCW

Former AZW Champion and multiple time AZW Tag Champion (with Jet Akuma in DevilShock, with Rock Hard Rocko Shinoda, and with Serj Slayborne in DevilSlay)


Has competed for HCW/NWA Hawaii, AZW, and APW. 

IG: dgnr8hokage
Twitter: AZWBobbyBolt


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